Books by Paulo Coelho (19)


Adultery by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
#1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER • From the extraordinary author of the international bestselling sensation The Alchemist comes a provocative novel that explores the question of what it means to live life fully and happily. "A compelling tale of existential angst, marital betrayal and sexual sin.” —The Chicago Tribune I want to change. I need to change. I'm gradually losing touch with myself. Adultery, the novel by Paulo Coelho, best-selling author of The Alchemist and Eleven Minutes, searches for the balance between life's routine and the desire for something new. “Propulsive.... A compelling tale... continue


Alchimistul by Paulo Coelho RO

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
O data la cateva decenii, apare o carte care schimba pentru totdeauna viata cititorilor sai. Alchimistul lui Paulo Coelho este o astfel de carte. Singura noastra obligatie este sa ne realizam destinul. Extraordinarul roman al lui Paulo Coelho a inspirat milioane de cititori din intreaga lume. Aceasta poveste, uluitoare in simplitatea si intelepciunea ei, este despre un pastor andaluz pe nume Santiago care isi paraseste casa din Spania, aventurandu-se in Africa de Nord in cautarea unei comori ingropate in Piramide. Pe drum intalneste o tiganca tanara si frumoasa, un barbat care isi spune rege s... continue


Brida : A Novel by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 3 (3 votes)
This is the story of Brida, a young Irish girl, and her quest for knowledge. She has long been interested in various aspects of magic but is searching for something more. Her search leads her to people of great wisdom, who begin to teach Brida about the spiritual world. She meets a wise man who dwells in a forest, who teaches her about overcoming her fears and trusting in the goodness of the world; and a woman who teaches her how to dance to the music of the world, and how to pray to the moon. As Brida seeks her destiny, she struggles to find a balance between her relationships and her desire ... continue


By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept by Paulo Coelho EN

0 Ratings
From Paulo Coelho, author of the international bestseller The Alchemist, comes a poignant, richly poetic story that reflects the depth of love and life. Rarely does adolescent love reach its full potential, but what happens when two young lovers reunite after eleven years? Time has transformed Pilar into a strong and independent woman, while her devoted childhood friend has grown into a handsome and charismatic spiritual leader. She has learned well how to bury her feelings . . . and he has turned to religion as a refuge from his raging inner conflicts. Now they are together once again, embark... continue


Der Alchimist by Paulo Coelho DE

Rating: 3 (3 votes)
Santiago, ein andalusischer Hirte, hat einen wiederkehrenden Traum: Am Fuß der Pyramiden liege ein Schatz für ihn bereit. Soll er das Vertraute für möglichen Reichtum aufgeben? Santiago ist mutig genug, seinem Traum zu folgen. Er begibt sich auf eine Reise die ihn über die Souks in Tanger bis nach Ägypten führt, er findet in der Stille der Wüste auch zu sich selbst und erkennt, dass das Leben Schätze bereithält, die nicht mit Gold aufzuwiegen sind.


Eleven Minutes : A Novel by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Eleven Minutes is the story of Maria, a young girl from a Brazilian village, whose first innocent brushes with love leave her heartbroken. At a tender age, she becomes convinced that she will never find true love, instead believing that "love is a terrible thing that will make you suffer. . . ." A chance meeting in Rio takes her to Geneva, where she dreams of finding fame and fortune. Maria's despairing view of love is put to the test when she meets a handsome young painter. In this odyssey of self-discovery, Maria has to choose between pursuing a path of darkness -- sexual pleasure for its ow... continue


Hippie by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
A journey to the past. A map for the future. After hitchhiking from Brazil to nearly halfway around the world, Paulo stumbles across Karla, a young Dutch woman and like-minded soul, in Amsterdam’s famous Dam Square. Together they decide to take the fabled hippie trail across Europe to Nepal, aboard the Magic Bus, in search of self-discovery. So begins a life-defining love story that will set the course for the rest of their lives. Drawing on the rich experience of his own life, Paulo Coelho relives the dreams of a generation that longed for peace and challenged the established social order.


Life : Selected Quotations by Paulo Coelho EN

0 Ratings
This collection of selected quotes from Paulo Coelho's impressive body of work is a must–have item for fans of this celebrated and internationally bestselling author. A beautiful book with four–colour artwork by the renowned Norwegian artist Anne Kristin Hagesaether, it contains inspirational quotes from such beloved Coelho titles as Eleven Minutes, The Valkyries, The Devil And Miss Prym, The Zahir, and the mega bestseller The Alchemist. Whether read in one sitting or savoured gradually, this is a visually stunning and enlightening look into Coelho's extraordinary perspective on life –one that... continue


Maktub by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
An essential companion to the inspirational classic The Alchemist, filled with timeless stories of reflection and rediscovery. From one of the greatest writers of our age comes a collection of stories and parables unlocking the mysteries of the human condition. Gathered from Paulo Coelho's daily column of the same name, Maktub, meaning "it is written," invites seekers on a journey of faith, self-reflection, and transformation. As Paulo Coelho explains, "Maktub is not a book of advice--but an exchange of experiences." Each story offers an illuminated path to see life and the lives of our fellow... continue


The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 4 (108 votes)
"My heart is afraid that it will have to suffer," the boy told the alchemist one night as they looked up at the moonless sky." Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams." Every few decades a book is published that changes the lives of its readers forever. The Alchemist is such a book. With over a million and a half copies sold around the world, The Alchemist has already established itself as a modern classic, universally admired. Paulo Coelho's charming fable, now available in English ... continue


The Archer by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
From the #1 best-selling author of The Alchemist comes an inspiring story about a young man seeking wisdom from an elder, and the practical lessons imparted along the way. Includes stunning illustrations by Christoph Niemann. “A novelist who writes in a universal language.” —The New York Times In The Archer we meet Tetsuya, a man once famous for his prodigious gift with a bow and arrow but who has since retired from public life, and the boy who comes searching for him. The boy has many questions, and in answering them Tetsuya illustrates the way of the bow and the tenets of a meaningful life. ... continue


The Devil and Miss Prym: A Novel of Temptation by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
A community devoured by greed, cowardice, and fear. A man persecuted by the ghosts of his painful past. A young woman searching for happiness. In one eventful week, each will face questions of life, death, and power, and each will choose a path. Will they choose good or evil? In the remote village of Viscos -- a village too small to be on any map, a place where time seems to stand still -- a stranger arrives, carrying with him a backpack containing a notebook and eleven gold bars. He comes searching for the answer to a question that torments him: Are human beings, in essence, good or evil? In ... continue


The Fifth Mountain by Paulo Coelho EN

0 Ratings
A Struggle of the Spirit and a Search for the Truth Written with the same masterful prose and clarity of vision that made The Alchemist an international phenomenon, The Fifth Mountain is Paulo Coelho's inspiring story of the Biblical prophet Elijah. In the ninth century B.C., the Phoenician princess Jezebel orders the execution of all the prophets who refuse to seek safety in the land of Zarephath, where the unexpectedly finds true love with a young widow. But this newfound rapture is to be cut short, and Elijah sees all of his hopes and dreams irrevocably erased as he is swept into a whirlwin... continue


The Pilgrimage : A Contemporary Quest for Ancient Wisdom by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 3 (3 votes)
On a legendary road across Spain, travelled by pilgrims of San Tiago, we find Paulo Coelho on a contemporary quest for ancient wisdom. This journey becomes a truly initiatory experience, and Paulo Coelho is transformed forever as he learns to understand the nature of truth through the simplicity of life. 'The Pilgrimage' has a very important place in the work of Paulo Coelho, not just because it is the first of his major books, after which came 'The Alchemist', but because of the complete way in which it expresses the humanity of his philosophy and the depth of his search. Paulo Coelho's visio... continue


The Spy : A novel by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 3 (3 votes)
In his new novel, Paulo Coelho, bestselling author of The Alchemist and Adultery, brings to life one of history's most enigmatic women: Mata Hari. HER ONLY CRIME WAS TO BE AN INDEPENDENT WOMAN When Mata Hari arrived in Paris she was penniless. Within months she was the most celebrated woman in the city. As a dancer, she shocked and delighted audiences; as a courtesan, she bewitched the era’s richest and most powerful men. But as paranoia consumed a country at war, Mata Hari’s lifestyle brought her under suspicion. In 1917, she was arrested in her hotel room on the Champs Elysees, and accused o... continue


The Valkyries by Paulo Coelho EN

0 Ratings
A Magical Tale About Forgiving Our Past and Believing in Our Future The enchanting, true story of The Valkyries begins in Rio de Janeiro when author Paulo Coelho gives his mysterious master J., the only manuscript for his book The Alchemist. Haunted by a devastating curse, Coelho confesses to J., "I′ve seen my dreams fall apart just when I seemed about to achieve them." In response, J. gives Coelho a daunting task: He must find and speak with his guardian angel. "The curse can be broken," he replies, "if you complete the task." Rising to the challenge, Paulo and his wife, Cristina, drop everyt... continue


The Witch of Portobello by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 3 (3 votes)
It is the story of Athena, a mysterious young woman born in Romania, raised in Beirut and living in London. Her life is told by the many who knew her well - or hardly at all


The Zahir : A Novel of Obsession by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
The narrator of The Zahir is a bestselling novelist who lives in Paris and enjoys all the privileges money and celebrity bring. His wife of ten years, Esther, is a war correspondent who has disappeared along with a friend, Mikhail, who may or may not be her lover. Was Esther kidnapped, murdered, or did she simply escape a marriage that left her unfulfilled? The narrator doesn't have any answers, but he has plenty of questions of his own. Then one day Mikhail finds the narrator and promises to reunite him with his wife. In his attempt to recapture a lost love, the narrator discovers something u... continue


Veronika Decides to Die : A Novel of Redemption by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 4 (5 votes)
Twenty-four-year-old Veronika seems to have everything -- youth and beauty, boyfriends and a loving family, a fulfilling job. But something is missing in her life. So, one cold November morning, she takes a handful of sleeping pills expecting never to wake up. But she does -- at a mental hospital where she is told that she has only days to live. Inspired by events in Coelho's own life, Veronika Decides to Die questions the meaning of madness and celebrates individuals who do not fit into patterns society considers to be normal. Bold and illuminating, it is a dazzling portrait of a young woman ... continue